The results of an annual lake shore clean-up last spring |
Enter any elementary math classroom, and you’ll hear kids talking at some point about the concept of zero. The idea that we would pair the concept of nothingness with waste sounds a little silly in today’s consumer-driven economy. If you search the internet for Zero Waste inspiration, you’re likely to find pictures of people holding single canning jars crammed full of a year’s worth of waste for an entire family. This just isn’t a realistic goal for most of us.
Somewhere between the idealized version of Zero Waste and the expensive and wasteful disposable culture sits a middle ground where waste can be sensibly and ethically minimized by people like you and me — people who live, work, and maybe raise children in America today. Here are some affordable and realistic tips to get you started, because as the adage goes, the world doesn’t need a handful of people doing Zero Waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly.
Reduce: Stock up on alternatives to the most common single-use plastics by collecting a set of reusable grocery bags, a travel coffee cup and a water bottle, and consider investing in a cheap set of travel tableware and straws. While the upfront investment may sting a little, none of these items costs much and they are used with such regularity that their impact is significant. With the holidays approaching, it’s also good to remember that giving experiences instead of things is another great way to reduce the amount of inevitable trash. Most toys are made up of non-recyclable parts, so the holidays are full of shiny new things that are destined for landfills.
Reuse: Whenever possible, do what you can to give clothes, toys and other items a second, third, or fourth life. Donate and buy used items when it’s practical, and get creative when you have the time.
Recycle: The weakest of the four R's, recycling is growing in popularity just when the markets for recycled plastics are drying up. I would never suggest that anyone stop recycling, but recycling can never make up for consumption, so if you’re going to put the effort in, it’s more effective to focus on the other three R's and use recycling as a fallback position.
Rot: Composting is a simple way to reduce waste and one that is becoming more and more convenient in urban areas. Those of us who live in the country have space for backyard compost heaps where bacteria and time work together to break down plant-based matter. Urban folks who are connected with large-scale facilities can usually incorporate animal products and even some paper products into their composting systems.
If you’d like to see what living Zero Waste looks like at a small multi-age elementary school, visit Peachtown on Instagram, where our handle is @zerowaste_school. We have a feature with The Story of Stuff Project, a global nonprofit, which highlights some of our efforts in a cute and engaging format. We can't do everything, but we can all do something. Join us!
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